środa, 19 września 2018

Polish comics in China at CICF Expo

The delegation of Polish artists will be attending CICF Expo from October 1st til October 2nd. They will be available for festival visitors for signing of the exhibition catalogues.
Artists present:

Berenika Kołomycka
Tomasz Leśniak
Piotr Nowacki
Marcin Podolec
Przemysław Truściński

See you there!

środa, 12 września 2018

100 years of Polish comics - a lecture

100 years of Polish comics
Lecturer: Joanna Birek
Polish comic books, though largely unknown abroad, have a long tradition. In 2019 they will be celebrating their 100th anniversary. Though the date is symbolic, as a factual date of "first Polish comic book" publication remains as a part of many scholarly disputes and speculations, it is certain the tradition of sequential visual art has deep roots in Poland. Through its history, it was engulfed in politics, entertainement, comedy, a fight for artistic independence and troubling times of the market's collapse while taking inspiration from Francophone, American and Japanese comics after opening itself to the foreign market. The lecture will showcase the history of Polish comic art, as well as outline its most important styles and genres and  influences that shaped its modern form.

  讲座人尤安娜·比瑞克Joanna Birek

波兰漫画尽管在国外并不为人所知,但却有着悠久的传统。2019年,将迎来波兰漫画的100周年纪念日。虽然这个日期是人为约定的 — “第一部波兰漫画创作的实际时间仍然是众多科学争议的其中一个但可以肯定地说,视觉连续故事的艺术在波兰有着深厚的根源。其发展受到诸如政治、幽默、娱乐、艺术独立斗争和体制转型后市场失灵困难时期、以及在对外国出版物开放后从法语、美国和日本漫画书中吸取的灵感等各种因素的影响。讲座将介绍波兰漫画艺术的历史,并介绍其最重要的并由此塑造了漫画艺术的当代形式的风格、流派和所受影响

środa, 5 września 2018

From children's comics to experimental forms. Modern Polish comic artists - a lecture

From children's comics to experimental forms. Modern Polish comic artists
Speakers: Marcin Podolec, Berenika Kolomycka, Przemyslaw Truscinski, Piotr Nowacki, Tomasz Lesniak. 
Moderation: Joanna Birek

Polish artists display a wide variety of styles, genres and techniques when working on their comics. Berenika Kolomycka, currently focused on her children's comic "Tiny Fox and a Giant Boar" uses traditional watercolour to create colourful, soft images. Marcin Podolec - an artist, whose work was published internationally - draws digital, cartoonish and simplyfied characters full of expression. Przemek "Trust" Truscinski, one of the best graphic artists in Poland, has worked on many experimental projects using every graphic technique imaginable to tell stories full of metaphysics and dark humour. Tomasz Lesniak has created iconic characters of Gerry the Hog, an animalistic hero living in the modern Polish society, and Tymek and Master - Merlin-like wizard teaching a boy about the ways of magic. Piotr Nowacki's cartoon comics for young children are highly regarded both by parents and critics in comics and literature world. The artists will present their styles and techniques, explaining their creative process and their artistic goals. 

  发言者:马钦·波多勒茨(Marcin Podolec贝热尼卡·科瓦梅茨卡(Berenika Kołomycka普谢斯瓦夫·特鲁斯钦斯基(Przemysław Truściński、彼得·诺瓦斯基(Piotr Nowacki)、托马斯·勒西涅克(Tomasz Leśniak
  主持人:尤安娜·比瑞克Joanna Birek

波兰艺术家们在创作漫画时展现了风格、流派和技巧的多样性。贝热尼卡·科瓦梅茨卡(Berenika Kołomycka目前专注于儿童漫画《小狐狸和大野猪》,运用传统的水彩来创作彩色的柔和的图画。马钦·波多勒茨(Marcin Podolec)创作数码漫画,用简单的笔画表达丰富的内容。同时在波兰国内外发表作品,普谢斯瓦夫·特鲁斯钦斯基(Przemysław Truściński)是波兰最优秀的图形艺术家之一,参与了众多的实验项目,运用大量的绘画和图形技术来讲述充满着形而上学和黑色幽默的故事。托马斯·勒西涅克(Tomasz Leśniak)为波兰漫画创作了备受欢迎的主角:刺猬乔治生活在当代波兰的动物主角,以及泰梅克和师傅像梅林一样的教一个男孩魔法巫师。 彼得·诺瓦斯基(Piotr Nowacki为年轻读者创作的漫画在漫画界和儿童文学界受到了家长们和评论家们的高度评价。受邀艺术家们将展示他们的风格和技巧,并将谈论他们的创作过程和艺术目标

środa, 22 sierpnia 2018

Polish Comics behind the Great Wall

Polish Comics behind the Great Wall
The very first presentation of Polish comics in China. The exhibition will showcase artworks by 27 artists from Poland, both working today and those considered to be classics. It cross-sectionally shows the diveristy of Polish comic book art, its most prominent achievements and its evolution from the 60s to the present day. The presentation will be accompanied by a catalogue including the most interesting examples of comic pages, as well as a delegation of Polish contemporary comic book artists to China: Berenika Kołomycka, Przemysław Truściński, Marcin Podolec, Tomasz Leśniak and Piotr Nowacki. During the Golden Dragon Awards Festival they will take part in a lecture about their art and will be actively present at the CICF Expo (October 1-3 2018). 


波兰漫画在中国的首次展示。本次展览将展示来自波兰的27位漫画艺术家的作品,包括当代作品和经典作品。展示波兰漫画艺术的多样性、取得的最重要的成就,以及从60年代至今所经历的道路。此次展览还将有包含最有意思的漫画作品页面的目录,而参加此次展览的波兰当代漫画艺术家代表团成员有:贝热尼卡·科瓦梅茨卡(Berenik Kołomycka普谢斯瓦夫·特鲁斯钦斯基(Przemysław Truściński、马钦·波多勒茨(Marcin Podolec托马斯·勒西涅克(Tomasz Leśniak和彼得·诺瓦斯基(Piotr Nowacki。在漫画展期间他们将参加讲座谈论他们的工作,还将出现在101日至3日的CICF EXPO中国国际漫画界动漫游戏展

Polish comics in China at CICF Expo